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Delay API offers both authenticated and unauthenticated endpoints. For authenticated endpoints, an Authorization header containing a bearer token is required.

Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN

API Tokens

There are two ways to obtain API tokens for the Delay API:

  1. User App Token: This can be created from the developer options in the system settings. You can set the expiration date and configure permissions for this token.

  2. Developer OAuth Token: To acquire this, you must register on the developer platform. You'll receive a client_id, client_secret, and audience. Use these in the POST request to obtain an OAuth token.

POST /oauth/token HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/json { "grant_type": "password", "client_id": "$CLIENT_ID", "client_secret": "$CLIENT_SECRET", "audience": "", "username": "$EMAIL", "password": "$PASSWORD" }

Token Permissions

Tokens are in JWT format and the claims structure looks like this:

{ "": "REDACTED_USER_ID", "iss": "REDACTED_ISSUER", "sub": "REDACTED_SUBJECT", "aud": "", "iat": TIMESTAMP, "exp": EXPIRATION, "azp": "REDACTED", "gty": "password", "permissions": [ "create:workspaces", "read:current_user", "read:workspace" ] }

The permissions field lists the allowed operations on resources, using the format operation:resource. Operations like read, create, update, and delete correspond to the HTTP methods GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

Some PATCH endpoints use more specific resources, like update:workspace_owner.

Row-Level Access Control

In addition to basic token-based permissions, Delay also implements row-level access control at the database level, leveraging PostgresSQL's RLS features. For detailed information, refer to the official PostgresSQL documentation.

Last modified: 18 April 2024